
RBHF Board Membership

We have an active, fundraising Board and we want to grow our membership! Do you have a desire to make a positive impact in the community? Do you want to help us spread our message of hope, recovery, and wellness? Do you have a knack for fundraising? Do you want to learn more? Please contact RBHFoundation to get more information about Board Member Responsibilities and Commitment.

RBHF Board Committee Membership

Are you looking for a lesser time commitment than full Board Membership? Committee Membership may be the answer. Currently, the RBHFoundation Board has two committees: Development & Communications and Governance & Finance. Please contact RBHFoundation to learn more.


RBHFoundation executes several events throughout the year. Volunteer needs vary from event to event. Please contact RBHFoundation if you or your group are interested in volunteering for an event.

Agency Projects

RBHFoundation facilitates many projects across RBHA’s programs and services to enhance the experience of those receiving services from RBHA and staff working at RBHA. These projects are often cosmetic improvements of program space or developing the greenspace at North Campus and other program locations. Please contact RBHFoundation to learn about current and upcoming projects that you or your group may be involved with.

Building North Campus Garden Building North Campus Garden Building North Campus Garden

Contact the RBHFoundation


© 2025 Richmond Behavioral Health Foundation. All rights reserved.